
When or why should I see a Kinesiologist?

Category: Resources

Kinesiology is a hot topic right now - what is it + how can it help?

When should I see a Kinesiologist?

It is well known that to avoid major issues or expensive problems your car it must be serviced regularly. Similarly, to achieve muscle mass or a six-pack, you need to visit the gym consistently.

From a physical perspective, most of us understand that going to the gym or undertaking regular exercise has a direct influence on physical health and also plays a leading role in mental fitness.

However, most of us don’t think about regularly servicing our health and mindset when ‘nothing is wrong’.

Imagine how wonderful it would be if we took an approach to ‘service’ our bodies to find out about any small imbalances within all the realms of our health (emotional, nutritional, physical and electrical) and fixed them prior to any symptoms or problems occurred. Or what if we booked ourselves in for a ‘service’ to boost and support our bodies to function at an even higher level?

Looking at this from another perspective, we have realised that leaving our health in the hands of others and only addressing critical issues leads to more serious treatments and consequences. Pharmacological solutions are often accompanied by numerous side effects and increased health risks.

Not only do we often fail to think about prevention, we ignore, put up with or cover up our symptoms with the likes of pharmaceutical drugs for example, which is like covering up or ignoring a warning light in your car!

Let's look at some research...

Modern research suggests that self-empowerment is an important and valid approach to personal health care, wellbeing and mindset.   Self empowerment, promotes the investment of personal time and energy, coupled with valid tools or modalities (like Kinesiology) to optimise health and wellness before dis-ease has a chance to materialise. (1)

Meaning, a shift, of responsibility for health, recovery and choices from an external source of wellness (such as a doctor, physio, etc…) to an integrated approach embracing alternative wellbeing modalities to manage a perpetual state of wellness using the skills of practitioners and a clients own internal source of knowledge and skill building to support wellness.

Research conducted by Three in One Australia states “Just talking about our troubles the way we always have doesn’t resolve them. Our beliefs limit what we think and say. While talking out our problems does make us feel better, it seems to do little towards resolving them. They come back to show themselves time and time again when we are stressed.
Rely on the opinion or expertise of someone who is supposed to have the answers is not enough. Everyone can have their opinion, but who really knows us?” (2)

In fact it was shown that clients experienced a “significant reduction in physical symptoms, interpersonal difficulties, interpersonal conflict and a significant improvement in energy level.  This was further supported qualitatively by clients’ comments. They reported a greater understanding of themselves and their issues feelings of wellbeing, happiness and a greater sense of empowerment.” When taking active accountability for the state of their wellbeing well before it becomes a critical event.

Dianne Poole undertook a study of the effectiveness of Kinesiology in reducing stress, anxiety and depression and found the following astounding results.  After only three sessions, stress, anxiety and depression had reduced by over 50%.

How Kinesiology reduces stress, anxiety and depression infographic

A Kinesiologist can not only help you improve your physical symptoms, they can guide you on a journey of unravelling the layers of you and guide you to a more purposeful, happier and fulfilling existence.

Research conducted by the Australian Kinesiology Association found that 61% of participants reported other benefits and improvements that they attributed to the sessions such as improved mood,  greater energy, and a reduction in stress. (3)

How often should I see a Kinesiologist?

Your Kinesiologist should be seen as your partner to help you reprogram your subconscious to breakthrough old patterns. To make changes in your life, it is imperative you break old habits and reimagine your desired future.

Thinking the same thoughts leads us to make the same choices.  Making the same choices leads to us demonstrating the same behaviours.  Demonstrating the same behaviours leads us to create the same experiences.  Creating the same experiences leads us to produce the same emotions.  Those same emotions then drive the same thoughts.

To achieve the life you have been looking for, you have to do things differently.  To be better than you were yesterday it requires you to shift old patterns, blocks and imbalances – becoming conscious of the program in your subconscious – you are likely to prevent all kinds of unpleasant issues further down the line in our lives.

95% of our brain’s decisions are made by the subconscious. So if this is the case and we continue to repeat old patterns and behaviours – we must look at how we can reprogram our subconscious – Kinesiology will help you achieve this.

Emotional reaction patterns can control our lives when we are over-stressed, and most likely, we have developed these from childhood.  You may find that we keep doing what we wish we wouldn’t and not doing what we want.  Emotional reactions perpetuate doubts about our self-worth and what we can do with our lives.

So the answer to this question, is seeing a Kinesiologist is one of the ways you can support yourself  to help you improve your relationship with yourself, your connections, your spirituality or faith, your health and personal situation.

Initially three sessions are recommended to achieve optimal depth and after that your kinesiologist will test up what the best and most powerful frequency may be.

When and why should I see a Kinesiologist

Symptoms are the only way our bodies can let us know something is wrong.

Kinesiology is able to detect sub-clinical (before they show up in our blood) imbalances within the body through reading the electrical biofeedback system with muscle testing.

Imbalances need to be significant to show up in pathology which is why so many people who don’t feel well have blood tests only to be told: “everything is normal, there is nothing wrong with you”.

However, in my experience, we ‘know’ if we are not feeling right, but many people are at a loss as to know what to do, what to take or what lifestyle changes are needed to help their bodies get back into balance and feeling good.

7 stages of poor health

  1. Energy Imbalance – Everything begins with a simple imbalance from an emotional upset, food intolerance, an injury or maybe too much exposure to phone/laptop/computers interfering with the delicate energies of our bodies.
  2. Compensations -If not rectified the body will have to make compensations for that imbalance.
  3. Change in Function – If the compensations are not addressed there will be a change in function.
  4. Physical symptoms felt – If the change in function is not addressed this will usually present itself as discomfort in any area including joints, skin, anxiety, bowel movements, headaches or other pains elsewhere. We often think the symptoms are the first stage although we are now at stage 4.
  5. Increased physical symptoms – Change in function left and ignored can now begin to move around the body causing ‘one thing after another’ however usually they are all related to the original imbalance as the body is now unable to self-correct.
  6. Pathology – when the above is left for long enough the issues may then show in a blood test, however, often the imbalances are now so great and deep that a ‘condition’ or ‘disease’ has developed which is far more serious to deal with.
  7. Fatality – If conditions and diseases are ignored, it can lead to death.

At the end of the day, prevention is better than a cure

Kinesiology is a fast-growing field because more and more people are discovering how well it works. The benefits of kinesiology include better emotional and physical health, better function, and a higher quality of life.

One of the bonuses of Kinesiology is that you don’t always have to talk and revisit past issues.  Kinesiologists can work with the body and prompt the client which can result in deep emotional shifts fast.  Kinesiology works in conjunction with, or in place of, a counsellor or phycologist.

Your kinesiologist can help you set realistic, simple goals for repeatable long-term success. She/he will take the time to listen to you, guide and support you, and offer advice to help you reach your full potential.

When and why should I see a Kinesiologist

But what is Kinesiology?

Firstly, let’s define what kinesiology means.  It combines the words Kinesi or “movement“, and logie which means “science“.  Hence on its most basic level, Kinesiology means the science of movement.

Kinesiology recognises that the body, mind, and spirit are an integrated whole. And so, just as stress can lead to unhealthy muscle tension, unresolved body tension can produce emotional discomfort.

Although a great deal of Western thought treats the mind and the body as separate, in kinesiology, the body, mind, and spirit serve as complementary parts of a unified system. A kinesiologist uses a combination of muscle monitoring and energy healing to treat injuries and bodily imbalances.

By studying body movement, kinesiologists can discover ways in which your system is out of alignment. From there, they can provide exercises that help you release past traumas and relearn balanced physical, emotional, and spiritual behaviors.

Kinesiology measures involuntary muscle movements that bypass your conscious mind. This focus lets kinesiologists defuse deep-seated issues. As those blockages are cleared, you become better integrated and enjoy greater wellness on multiple levels.

By testing the way your muscles respond to gentle pressure, a kinesiologist can determine where your body is holding stress or working against you. And, through body movement exercises, a patient can release this trapped tension and unlearn bad patterns.

Working with the body, kinesiology can have profound mental, physical, and spiritual benefits.

What is Kinesiology used for?

If you’re wondering, “What is kinesiology good for?” The answer is, CHANGE.

A Kinesiologist can help an individual navigate grief or loss, enable an athlete to boost performance, empower leaders and teams to perform at their best or support the general health and wellbeing of their clients.

To breakthrough your old patterns and live a life you have always dreamed, you must break the habit of being yourself and reinvent your new self.  You have the power to reprogram your subconscious and remove the emotional charge that keeps you living in the past and repeating old loops and a kinesiologist will help you navigate this.

However, a Kinesiologist does so much more… She/he is also a trusted partner who supports:

  • people wishing to regain energy and vitality so they can enjoy closer relationships with their partners and children
  • managing grief and loss of loved ones
  • working through co-parenting and divorce issues
  • goal setting to help you move forward rather than dwelling in the past
  • weight management issues can be addressed by identifying deep triggers and blocks from reaching your ideal body size;
  • one who has experienced great loss, such as a loved one, career or marriage move through the stages of grief and find hope;
  • encourages patients with depression or anxiety to break through their social isolation and regain a zest for life;
  • people who want to improve their overall wellbeing with health and fitness, but have not yet been able to commit to their goals
  • addictions including drugs, food, sex or otherwise.
  • And so much more.

While kinesiologists have traditionally worked with professional athletes, growing numbers of people are calling on them to help with their health and fitness training regimens, nutrition and wellness goals and helping people move through a range of major life changes.

Ready to try Kinesiology or learn more?


  1. Greenwell, M. B. W. (2018). Self-empowerment in the healing process: An exploration of energy kinesiology techniques to enhance personal decision-making and provide tools for maintaining wellness and health. Qualitative Health Research Conference, Halifax, Canada. Download
  2. Dawson, S. (1999)Assisting healing by reduction of stress, using Three in One concepts: An evaluation of clients’ perceptions Victoria University. Melbourne, Australia. http://threeinone.com.au/research-resources/assisting-healing-by-reduction-of-stress-using-three-in-one-concepts-an-evaluation-of-clients-perceptions/
  3. Dumas, K., Green, R., Hawke, K., Huynh, P., Kuurman, N., Rayson, S., & Wyllie, J. (2017)An investigation into the efficacy of Professional Kinesiology Practice in improving the quality and quantity of sleep Australian Kinesiology Association National Conference, Melbourne. Download
  4. Poole, D. (2014)The effectiveness of PKP kinesiology in reducing stress, anxiety and depression. Canberra Kinesiology. Download
carla kaine

Meet Carla Kaine

“When we stop doubting, we start believing in our new life. We behave as if it’s possible – and we ultimately become it.”

I am on a mission to help you redefine your future so you can live a life you LOVE.

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Carla Kaine Kinesiology Melbourne

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